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Haas F1 Team

Haas F1 Team joined Girls on Track UK at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Formula Student program on July 7 at its national finals at Silverstone.

Monica Jalem – Simulation Software Engineer, Kerstin Woegler – Electronics Factory Team Leader and Laura Mueller – Simulation Performance Engineer joined the event to speak to a group of local female students about their own path into motorsport. 

The students, many of whom have never considered motorsport as a route to learning more about STEM, were given the opportunity to ask Haas F1 Team personnel on how they started their career, educational choices and how they got their roles within the pinnacle of motorsport. 

As a result, these students have seen that STEM can be a fun, exciting and limitless field, and have had their imaginations opened to the possibilities that studying STEM subjects can offer, equipping them with the opportunity and knowledge to make the right decision for themselves about their subject choices.

Formula Student is a competition designed to encourage university-aged students to engage with science, technology, engineering and maths, otherwise known as STEM, by offering them the chance to plan, build and race a full-sized single-seater car.

Haas F1 Team’s very own Eduardo Henrique Gavioli, Electronics Engineer, was one of the judges for the competition.

Haas F1 Team

“For the students it's not easy to get involved with motorsports and experience real engineering challenges, so seeing how these competitions are changing this and becoming more inclusive year by year is amazing. I was fortunate to live this back in university, so it was great to be invited to judge at Formula Student UK and being able to contribute a little to this world. I feel that now it's our duty to support these initiatives to make motorsport a more accessible world to everyone, stimulating these students to follow their passion and sharing our experiences with them. It's incredible to see what they're capable of.”

Jenny Tcherniak, Girls on Track UK Programme Manager, Motorsport UK, said:

"Formula Student is a brilliant initiative that uses the excitement of motorsport to inspire young people to consider STEM as a career option. It truly enables these students to get hands-on experience with race cars and one-to-one conversations with the women whose interest in STEM led them on an incredible journey into motorsport.

"Motorsport UK’s Girls on Track shares the ambition of doing everything possible to inspire the next generation of women into motorsport, and I’m delighted we are able to support Formula Student in reaching this goal together."

Kerstin Woegler, Electronics Systems Lead, Haas F1 Team, added:

"Initiatives likes Girls On Track are a great opportunity for young girls to get an insight into the world of motorsports and the vast variety of jobs the business has on offer."

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