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Safety Culture branding
Safety Culture branding

MoneyGram Haas F1 Team have partnered with global technology company SafetyCulture as Official Race Partner in Las Vegas. 

We’re excited and proud to be partnering SafetyCulture who are supporting our logistical feats behind one of the most anticipated races on the 2023 event schedule 

Just like SafetyCulture strives to find ways to continuously improve in the workplace, MoneyGram Haas F1 Team has a commitment to ‘the Haas way’ – taking on challenges head-on, and constantly finding ways of doing things better. 

Haas F1 Team’s drive to always find ways to improve, dates back to when Gene Haas first founded Haas Automation, a CNC machine tool manufacturer in the US. An engineer by trade, Gene is passionate about innovation, and this ‘Haas way’ extends into all elements of how the Haas F1 Team operates today. 

Strap yourselves in this Saturday 18 November as MoneyGram Haas F1 Team kicks things into gear in Las Vegas. It’s bound to get your motor running.

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